My name is Bashir. I am a self-taught Frontend Developer from the United States. I am proficient in Javascript/HTML/CSS and I have experience with Vue.js, jQuery, Node.js and Express. When I am not tinkering around on the computer, I enjoy traveling with my lovely wife and learning new languages. I am a native Enlglish speaker and also speak Japanese and Chinese (Mandarin).

I love learning new things and am always looking for a new challenge. I push myself to learn something new everyday, and always enjoy sharing my knowledge with others. I am currently working on building my skills in TypeScript, and UI Design. Please contact me if you think I would be a good fit for your project or team.
我叫 Bashir. 我是个从美国来的住在北京的自学前端开发人员。不在电脑前面的时候我喜欢跟我的妻子理由也喜欢学习新语言。我的母语是英语,我会说日语和中文。我想接下来学习西班牙语. 我喜欢学习新事物,并且总是在寻找挑战。每天学习新事物, 每天f分享我的知识。我目前正致力于在React.js中构建我的技能。

Current Projects 网络APP

Web Portfolio 网络APP
